Saturday, June 17, 2006

Prayers for Maria Wine Tasting and Auction Update

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who donated items and attended last Friday’s event - it wildly exceeded our expectations. I was overwhelmed by the love and generosity of the community – it was truly amazing!

I’d like to mention a few people and companies who really stepped up and helped us out with various items:

  • The Irish Heritage Club ( for providing the wonderful facilities for the event

  • Minotti’s Wine and Spirits ( for providing all of the wine for the tasting

  • WKYC ( and Monica Robins for covering the event and being a guest auctioneer. Their piece on Maria is scheduled to air on July 5th.

  • The French family for sponsoring the catering

  • Morgan Litho ( for supplying the printed materials

  • The Shamrock Companies ( and Ted Gordon for putting together a beautiful video for the event.

  • DJ Flash Gordon for providing the music for the event

Of course, we’d also like to thank all of the volunteers who made this event possible. Without your time and tireless effort it would not have been such a wonderful event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Ed and Megan... if anyone came to the event and did not know the end of the evening they surely would have felt that they did just by watching your friends and family in action. What wonderful people - their enthusiasm and devotion to you is
amazing and totally contagious!!!
Only wonderful people like you could draw such a beautiful circle
of love in friends and family like
that! Our compliments to one and
all and may God continue to bless
each of you for your great examples
of kindness and generosity!
The Martinez family of Avon Lake